Chelsea Collins
Chelsea Collins

Chelsea Collins has been hired as social worker and volunteer coordinator for Heart & Soul Hospice in Farmington.

Collins has a bachelor’s degree in social work from Evangel University and a master’s degree in social work with an emphasis in family health from Missouri State University, both in Springfield, Mo.

She has worked as a mental health counselor and as a social worker in hospice and a health center before joining Heart & Soul.

“We’re excited to bring Chelsea onto our team,” said Rodney Quinton, Heart & Soul Hospice administrator. “Her previous experience in mental health as well as hospice give her a unique set of skills that will benefit our patients and their families.”

Collins is active in ministries at her local church and enjoys spending time with her family, baking, gardening and spending time outdoors.

Heart & Soul Hospice is an extension of PMMA’s services to seniors in Kansas and Missouri. Heart & Soul Hospice serves a 50-mile radius around Wichita, Kan., and Farmington, Mo.